Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Sayonara Agra, Say Namaste to Pushkar

Here I am, first day in Pushkar!

Let's catch up: Rich is doing much better. The real Taj Mahal was amazing. The Baby Taj was quite cute, but it didn't compare. What I was trying to do with the Baby Taj adventure was challenge my comfort level, venture out on my own.

Done and done.

No need to be a hero, I say.

I mean, I thought the rickshaw driver was nice, and in general folks seem fairly harmless (mostly. uhm, yeah, mostly) . The most aggressive thing that happens is everyone fighting to get your business, and then there's the guys that love to shake hands; "Hellooooo Madam." to which I've started responding "Namaaaaaastay," and keeping my hands in ye old heart chakra position. Feel the love, no need for touching.

And due to the bus ride to Ajmer and then early morning motor-Rickshaw to the outskirts of Pushkar, I've decided I prefer the train to bus travel. Also, may God smile down upon me and never let me experience another bathroom like the one I had this morning. I swear, I'll be a better person.

All the computers are closing down around me, with the sign that says "not responsible for power failures" so this may be a multiple post scenario.

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