Saturday, January 5, 2008

God is in the details

Alright, since Holly asked - I spent New Year's Eve in the Buddhist Mecca of Bodhgaya watching X-Men: the Last Stand. I know, what the heck is that about?

Before that, we toured some temples, watched them play fireworks out of the Vietnamese Temple. I had a special lassi, with my dinner, also known as a bang lassi, because heck, it was new year's. That meant I laughed for about 15 minutes straight, and then really wanted to eat a lot. So, on my list of 101 things to do before I die, consume a bang lassi wasn't on there, but as the saying goes, "When in Bodhgaya, do as a misplaced Roman Empire descendant would."

I was too tired to stay up for the Noodle celebration/offering that was happening at the Japanese temple. I wasn't completely sure I read the sign right, so, after Rich and I had a chai at the stand across the street from the the Hotel Sanghmitra, we were just trying to stay up until midnight.

Today, Rich and I found a place to go to try yoga tomorrow, the Shiva Ganges View Guest House. They have a sign saying you can do Yoga for "pshycosis, mental distress, tiredness, sexual problems and piles." There was way more on the list (like 30 items actually) but I didn't want to be obvious in my staring. So that's my 9 a.m. plan, the yoga cure-all and then, who knows what might happen.

Today, I totally took the opportunity to go buy a shawl at someone's house, just to get away from the two 11 year old boys that decided to come stand near us as the gentleman talking about his shawls, suggesting we come and see his wares. Simply because one boy was completely starkers and lathered up from his bathing in the Ganges.

It's true, travel expands your world.

oh the places you'll go, the sites you'll see.

The bathers you'll meet as you're walking down the street.

Ah, life.

1 comment:

Ayelet said...

You drank a bong lassi!!! Ahhhhh! Too funny! I can't handle it. I'm like addicted to your blog now.