Thursday, January 3, 2008

Day 2 but for real thi time

Yesterday was a 16 hour day, by the time Rich & I got dinner, and made it back to the hotel. From being on the train, then arriving, and being immediately caught in what the guide book called the Varnasi shakedown.

This may have just posted, in my attempt to be quick in typing. ha, at my 38 words a minute.

So yes, yesterday, Rich got some special purchases made, things that shall remain nameless, and we also got to meet this guy who did Goldie Hawn's Astrology chart back in 1982 when she came here. We got our charts read to, and I was entertained, so that was worth the price of admission alone, but I did argue with the guy, who said to me "I am 80 years old, you are not speaking to me this way."

Why argue, you might ask? Especially when you don't know what the person might say to you, how they might curse you. But he had a few things wrong, and when he offered an extra service that costs 500 Rupees ($15) to do a Puja (an offering) so I could finally have the child I've been wanting (who, me? I'm thinking I worte my birth time down wrong) - well, I got testy, particularly when he said "Man and woman together without child is like tree not bear fruit, a wasted life." I interrupted him to say "that's not true! that's not, I don't believe that at all." That's when he told me his age and how to address him properly. Like Goldie Hawn did.

Now here's what really made me laugh. Today, walking along the ghats, we had these two little girls start talking to us, trying to sell us their postcards, and one girl, maybe 10 years old, tells me she can show me a picture of her with Goldie Hawn from 1984. I think I lost something in the translation, as the kid wasn't alive in 1984. I told her, "No, it's okay, I know what Goldie Hawn looks like."

Varanasi, Spiritual Mecca and Goldie Hawn's International Fan Club Centre.


Unknown said...

Ah yes the trains in India. Eufemia, I remember taking a train to Lakshmi with Mu. In the middle of the night, the train just stopped. After about an uniformed 45 minutes, we found out that our train car had just 'come separate from rest of train'. We had been abandoned in the middle of 'India-nowhere' until they realized the were missing something. Luckily they decided to back up and literally BANG! we were following the leader again and on our way to one of the most beautiful spots on Earth. Om Shanti - Love you, Victoria

D said...

Hey Eufemia,

We're reading you now. Nice to hear you're doing ok in that feren land.

Just yesterday we met a woman who had a remarkably similar upbringing in a very dysfunctional family. She's keen to hear your story so I'll be loaning her your MOPE video. Nice to have it in the can!

All best in 2008 and keep us posted.

Bruce Movie Monday