Thursday, April 3, 2008

This is Goodbye

Mirabai: Swamiji, I keep thinking how can I express my thanks to you, but I have no words.

Swamiji: No, no. No words can say this - (He places his hand over his heart.)

I have my hand over my heart in an effort to stop it from feeling so heavy. It's not working.

Mirabai: There aren't enough words in English. I don't know enough words in Hindi. Maybe if I knew Sanskrit?

I was crying, but I thought I could try making a joke.

Swamiji: No words, how can say? No words for this.

I don't know how you thank someone who has taught you Yoga from his heart and fed you dinner every night like you were one of his own. I've heard that Shakespeare had a vocabulary of 30,000 words and the average person today has a vocabulary of 10,000 words. This is just as useless to me now as it is during a game of Trivial Pursuit, since I always land on Sports and Leisure.

One might just say thank you, but even the Postmaster said, "No, no, don't say thank you. This word we not like. Too formal for us."

Okay. Then I need to say "I love you. You have helped me be a better person by shining a light on my path."

I didn't say it. I said "Thank you!" and "Bye!"

But I think he already knows it.


Women (Barely) In Motion said...

Hey lady. Sorry to be dense, but are you going to another ashram? Another teacher? coming home? What's scoop?

Eufemia said...

Hey bunny, my return date is fast approaching - but for now I'm being a tourist, and not sure about the ashram thing. I arrive back on May 1st. Where will you be???