Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The True Meaning of Life by His Holiness

We are visitors on this planet
we are here for ninety
or one hundred years
at the very most.
During that period
we must try to do something
good, something useful
with our lives.
If you contribute to other
people's happiness, you will find the true goal,
the true meaning of life.

- His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama

Bonus additional quote, but first an anecdote: At the internet this afternoon I started copying down a quote that was attributed to Mother Theresa. The fellow running the shop said "What are you doing? You think Mother Theresa said that?"

Eufemia: She didn't?

Fellow: No. I think if they not spell her name right on the poster, this could all be wrong.

Eufemia: Her name is spelled wrong?

Her name was spelled Mother Theresa, and a quick internet check shows me that's not wrong, though according to the fellow, it should be "Theressa, double 's', because she was Italian."

Well, not unless Albania is a province in Italy now, but then, my geography is sketchy.

I didn't disagree, or argue, because, well, see previous notes to self on disgreeing with/correcting men. It's not so much that one shouldn't disagree, really, but perhaps I should learn how to do it without sounding so exasperated and like "Stop talking to me - please, talk to the hand until you know what you're talking about, because the hand doesn't have a mind of it's own, so it won't just reach across this desk and slap you in your smug face for being so annoying."

I feel really childish and want to say "He started it!" Because you should hear the tone he used - it was like "Hey MORON, you think Mother Theresa actually said that?"


Shanti, shanti.

I may need these quotes tattooed across my forehead. So, Ladies & Gents, from that famous now deceased Italian resident of Kolkatta, I give you:

Three things in human life are important:
The first is to be kind
The second is to be kind
And the third is to be kind.

You said it, Mother.


Women (Barely) In Motion said...

I know being Zen is a skill, but I wish you'd told him he was wrong. Think if it as a gift - letting him experience the Zen of being humbled. :)

Eufemia said...

I know what you're saying too, but seriously, there's days when it's better to walk away, and days when you run. You never count your rupees, when you're sitting at the table..

Nicky Dunbar said...

Omigod. I know I'm late to this post (I'm catching up) but I just had an image of a certain law student in India and I can barely type 'cuz I'm on the floor laaaaaaaaaaaaaughing.

Eufemia said...

I'm laughing too - that would be some tour, and I'm signing up -"Masterthespian Teaches Manners to the Males of the Subcontinent" - are you in Nicky? It leaves Vancouver for Delhi sometime after school's done...