Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Singapore Same Same, Not on your Life

What is this weird Disney landscape where you can't chew gum, or you can - but you'll be fined if you're caught trafficking it? I'm sorry, wha? Are we still talking about gum? The thing with names like Hubba Bubba and Chicklets is illegal?

How 'bout this package I'm carrying for a guy I just met back to Canada as a personal favour because he seemed so nice and trustworthy - is that legal?

AND DAMN I LOST THE SWISS ARMY KNIFE AT CHECK IN IN KOLKATTA because I was that tired I left it in my carry-on! FIONA I'LL REPLACE IT! AAARgh! I was doing so well. That knife won me the Miss Congeniality award back at the ashram. (Holly won Party girl)

There's nothing like eating and watching an insignificant movie at 1 in the morning is there?

My ears were killing me during landing. Damn, damn, damn. This has happened once before and it was because I was getting sick, and even though my friend John who worked for Air Canada told me how to handle this, I felt like a dweeb so I didn't ask the stewardess for: Two paper cups, put a wet paper towel in each cup, cover your ears during take off and landing. See my problem? I'm not afraid of looking stupid, heavens, no. I'm afraid of sounding stupid.

This free internet's about to time out.

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