Friday, April 4, 2008

A Fish Out of the Desert

It's raining in Rishikesh. I think I can put away my sunglasses, it's pouring here. Sarah and I arrived yesterday, had some stress to find a room as the town is packed with everyone escaping the heat. The rain just makes me miss all the comforts of home. I think it's good that it's so different from Rajasthan or else I'd just be wondering why I wasn't in Pushkar, practicing yoga before sunrise.

I'm undecided about the phoolchatti ashram, the course starts next week. It was nice to sleep in today, feeling as I do. I'm not sure if I've picked up an unwanted souvenir in my intestinal tract.

I really took to that desert clime in a way that I'm still pondering if this ache in my ribcage is from this lifetime alone. I know, I think people are flaky when they talk that way but what else can I say? It felt like my home in a way I can't even begin to describe.


Victoria said...

Rishikesh was one of my favourite stops on my trip in India. I don't what it was called, but my boyfriend at the time and I stayed at a defunked ashram/monastary place. Very austere but right on the Ganges. It was an amazing place. I read 'Autobiography of a Yogi' there. It felt oh so - karmically comfortable.

Hey miss you tons - and looking forward to catching up - as i am sure many people are when you get back.

Love Victoria

Eufemia said...

Me forward looking too! And tons miss you. (I'm trying to get the hang of Grammar in Hindi. So far, so fun.)

It is stunningly beautiful here, yet I appear to thrive in the desert. Who knew?

bahut prem