I missed you too.
Well, my cough came back, the very next day, I thought it was a goner but the cough came back, it just wouldn't stay away.
So Jessie and I went to the pharmacy next to the Free Ayurvedic Clinic, got a free consultation, and I walked away with 17 days of herbal medication, pills, cold balm and cough syrup for 500 rupees. ($15) The herbal concoction, which I watched him mix up with a mortar and pestle, contained gold. I double checked "Gold, like the jewellery?" and he said "Yes." It was all powder and items that looked like pepper seeds being cracked.
From my pulse he diagnosed that my digestion is problematic, there's too much heat in my blood, and that I'm anaemic. I just went in asking for a tea for the cough, and he said "Only gives relief, not cure." So, I'll let you know what happens...
It's still a bit chilly in the desert. Today, after 11 consecutive days of Yoga at least once a day and 6 of twice a day, we were given the day off.
I know, 11 days! Where's the real Eufemia and what have you done with her? To be honest, by the end I was bawling my eyes out and only with Sarah's support did I make it to one afternoon class, which was thankfully cancelled due to the Northwind coming in from Dehli.
I went because the binge that would have happened had I not gone would have been ugly, so Sarah suggested I would just go and watch, and soak up the Swamiji atmosphere.
Swamiji said to me: "Can see in your face, sad. Not attaching to this pain. Just notice, see, not attach."
I was too exhausted to say "I'm not attaching to the pain, it's attaching itself to every cell and muscle in my being." But really, I was also crying because I was thinking "Here I am again, coming up against the same thing. Feel physical pain and I'm off, I want to bow out of everything. I want food. I WANT FOOD! Oh noooooo, I am crazy lazy." My thoughts have never been my friends. And yet I keep hanging out with them. Sigh.
Also, it's hard to listen to Swamiji tell you you're weak, even when it's true, even when he means physically, even when he's saying it with total kindness and love. But then, I'm plucky. Or driven. Or something, I think. I'm something. I'll let you know what when I figure it out.
Ah well, about the blogging, the frequency dropped as the Yoga picked up, and then there's the fabulous Poi instruction from Natasha. Honestly, I'm feeling extrememly blessed, so no worries, those outbursts of tears are just old behaviour patterns rearing their ugly appetite. (Also see posts: Chocolate Croissants, milk sweets, Eufemia's eating habits)
Sarah thinks my spiritual name will now be Yogini Poi Yogini. Suits me nicely, I think.
- Please see: http://poipixies.com/poipixietribe.html for Natasha and Matthew's fabulous video of their time in Pushkar, and you'll see why I love this place.
- Please see: http://www.unionphotographers.com/india2007/ for Holly Truchan's fantastic photos from her time in India (I miss you, Holly!) This photo series includes the shot "Eufemia is traumatised by Traffic in Kolkata"
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