Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mai Canada Ka Houn

Alright, so it's been a bit of a bumpy week - well, Tuesday, that was a bit rough. Wednesday and Thursday weren't exactly picnics either though the Sun came out on Thursday (today) - I could see it from the windows of the day-long Celebrating Recovery Together Conference I attended. Though it being slightly warm (wait for it, I'll tell you when it's hot enough for ya) made me yearn for the hottest state - no, not Texas Mr. Ethan Hawke, Rajasthan. Maybe you should check your Geography and stats before you going naming your novels all willy-nilly and wrong like that.

Now begins the Tribulations part of this blog.

Why not, writing it kept me together in India and I think that's what I was missing here, what's keeping me together here? Figaro? Nay. Figaro Amadeus Furud* Fantetti, my feline soul mate, had this to say about my return:

"Where were you, you over-sized piece of mouse-dung? Enjoyed yourself? Thanks for missing Christmas, New Years, my birthday and our anniversary."

He did not apologise for the 5 pairs of shoes he wrecked (of mine, not counting the roomies!) including leather Puma runners. ("Puma this, sistah" I believe were his exact words.)

*The recent Indian addition/expansion to his name, Furud, means unique, matchless. He's okay with the name, he just wants me to grovel a little more.

What I wanted to tell you but forgot was - on the return flight, during the stretch between Singapore and Korea, I practiced my Hindi on Singapore Airline's Wiseman System, (it has the Berlitz Language program) and it asked the question:

Aap kahan ke rahne wale hai? Where are you from?

Never mind that all I could recognise in that sentence was You and From because it's worded completely different than any other way I've heard it before - (did I mention they have at least 5 names for the Moon in Hindi and everyone I asked could only tell me 2? Swamiji's comment: "There's more than 5, there's many" Me: "That doesn't help me at all, Swamiji.")

The answer popped up Mai Canada ka houn. Doesn't that rock? Or pardon me, bangra? Even the Airline's Berlitz Language Learning Tutor System says it's from Canada.

Though I admit, after a full day of rain and struggling with getting out of apartment, and getting winded when going up a hill/incline of a 15 degree angle, I didn't see the greatness of it so much anymore. Though I understand these things take time. Really? Things like gratitude and counting your blessings?


This is what I've been using as a mantra, now that I don't have my daily dose of chanting to Durga, Ganesha, Gayatri and Shiva to start the day off right: Suck it up, cupcake. Some people have real problems.

I am my own worst enemy, it's true.

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