Saturday, December 1, 2007

Singapore Slings part two

Well I went out with the group but turned around when I realised my flip-flop shod feet were killing me.

So details, details, as they say, God is in the details.

On the Wisemen system, on Singapore Airlines, I tried to learn how to count to 10 in Hindi and Arabic. I could have done other languages but was getting wiped out.

On the night before leaving, my friend Ayelet came over and when I said I was going to Bihar she said "NO one goes to Bihar"

I asked why and my roomate answered "Because of the massacres there." She added "But it's Caste system stuff, it won't affect you." Meaning of course, that I wouldn't be a target, in such a scenario.

At which point I was so glad I had chosen to have my roommate reassure my father when he calls Vancouver in a panic.

Tonight, the group leaves for Kolkatta.

India, my Godness.

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