Sunday, December 2, 2007

Oh Kolkata

We arrived last night exhasuted, got into our rooms and fell asleep to the kirtan-like traffic of Kolkata.

Kirtan is this call & response devotional singing, and on the harrowing ride from the airport, during which I gasped outloud many times, and covered my eyes a few times, I thought all the honking sounded very much like traffic kirtan. I noticed only 3 traffic lights, and couldn't figure out how anyone knows where they're going, the roads have no signs, no street numbers. The Cab did a U-turn in the middle of a road and the next thing I knew, we were out on the street of Kolkatta. Street-slash-sidewalk, why quibble over details like "Am I standing on the road in traffic? Or is there no such thing as a sidewalk here?"

The good news: I have had the best food ever for breakfast, and lots of chai and lassi's.

I'd have to say, the traffic is every thing everyone described, worse actually. The people have been incredibly kind and helpful.

Tomorrow, we head to the ashram, at which point the blogging ends and it's all handwritten journal entries, for a while.

Namaste, everyone, namaste.

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